DE GROENE BOOG - ROTTERDAM Meever Pipes supplied 300 grout injection piles/drill pipes for the construction of the new ring in Rotterdam. These grout injection piles are installed without vibration and are also very suitable for installation in areas with height restrictions. SUPPLIED BY MEEVER PIPES: Lees verder »
STS Calandkanaal – Rotterdam
STS CALANDKANAAL - ROTTERDAM In the port of Rotterdam, we had the opportunity to supply the steel mooring piles for the STS Calandkanaal project. With the expansion of berths 82 and 84 and the complete construction of berth 81, the capacity of the STS location for ship-to-ship transshipment Lees verder »
Current Deflecting Wall – Antwerpen
CURRENT DEFLECTING WALL DEURGANCKDOK - ANTWERPEN This curved wall with a threshold at the bottom is intended to reduce sedimentation in the Deurganckdok. For the construction of the Current Deflecting Wall in the Scheldt, steel tubular piles are first vibrated into the ground. Subsequently, the steel sheets are Lees verder »